1768.0.2 |
QUTL.LIT 3.1(137) now displays additional statistics (in the STATUS option) that are now captured by A-Shell: JOBTBL.SYS created: Tue Jan 14 10:08:40 2025 Number of job table entries: 2 Highwater job count: 4 Number of license denials: 0 Number of sessions started: 631 Number of sessions ended: 629 CGI sessions: Current: 0 Cumulative: 629 Highwater: 2 Note that these fields will contain garbage (harmless) until the JOBTBL.SYS is recreated using 7.0.1768.0+. |
1765.2.3 |
SYSTAT.LIT 3.2(187) now displays the time since the last JOBTBL.SYS access, next to the logged-in time in /W mode. Times much larger than one minute are indicators of a problem. |
1756.3.2 |
VUE.LIT 3.2(381) enhancement: add new INI.VUE option: SAVEBAK = <boolean> When set to TRUE, each SAVE operation (whether explicit or triggered by the AUTOSAVE feature) starts by copying the file being edited to the .BAK file prior to the SAVE operation. The default is FALSE (traditional behavior) in which the SAVE operation does not affect the .BAK file. |
1753.2.3 |
ZTXFER.LIT 1.4(110): /2 mode (FTP vs FTPDLX) is now the default. To force FTPDLX mode, a new /1 switch has been added. |
1753.0.1 |
JSTAT.LIT 3.3(114): add the current SBX (if applicable) to the display. |
1751.8.2 |
DIR.LIT 3.4(174) enhancement: new switch /SRUDATE is like /SUDATE, sort by file update date, except it sorts in reverse date order instead of ascending date order. |
1750.0.2 |
CSV2XL.LIT offers a shortcut for spreadsheet printing. |
1750.0.3 |
VIEWASHLOG.LIT provides a simple way to view the ashlog.log file contents. |
1750.0.4 |
FUNCIDX.LIT generates an XTREE index of functions. |
1744.0.3 |
SET.LIT now supports a mechanism for globally adding tracing prefix codes. |
1742.0.6 |
ABOUT.LIT 2.2(111) now adds a few details about the OS, including the locale. |
1740.2.6 |
SRCCOM.LIT 2.0(203) update: minor refinement to improve handling of case where a new block of code is inserted that contains two or more adjacent lines that match nearby lines in the original. |
1740.0.9 |
1740.0.10 |
ATSYNC.LIT,1.3(123): minor bug fixes; /V2 is now the default |
1735.0.2 |
New system command RUNPROF.LIT provides user-level access to profiling operations. Use RUNPROF/? for help. |
1731.0.3 |
DUMP.LIT 1.0(109) refinement: when a starting block number is specified, it now seeks directly to that position, rather than silently reading all the prior blocks. This is a benefit mainly with very large files. |
1725.0.3 |
VERSYS.LIT updates: 3.1(112): Add dynamic function index to the display 3.1(113) Refinement to recognize header signatures &hF202 (OCMPIL with minimum version) and &hF03 (COMPI with minimum version.) |
1724.0.5 |
QUTL.LIT Version 3.1(133) - add option to choose job to ZAP from a pick list. |
1715.12.3 |
VERSYS.LIT 3.1(109) enhancement: display now includes many additional details about the specified program, include memory requirements and the existence of embedded resources such as dynamic functions and embedded structure definitions. |
1715.12.4 |
COPY.LIT / MOVE.LIT 3.4(146) enhancement: add /MAXDAYS:## and /MAXSECS:## switches to allow selective targeting of files changed recently. |
1715.11.1 |
DO.LIT / MDO.LIT 2.1(126) enhancement: special colon commands (e.g. :K) can now be indented. Previously they needed to be in column one. This may be a minor detail but can make all the difference in debugging complex DO files with many levels of nested IF / ENDIF clauses. |
1711.0.17 |
ISMDMP.LIT 2.0(145) enhancement: Display new "Keys allocated" count if A-Shell version 6.5.1711+ and non-zero. |
1709.2.1 |
QUTL.LIT 3.1(132) adds a new command ZAPURJ (for ZAP UnResponsive Jobs) to remove all abandoned job table entries (resulting from sessions terminating without cleanly exiting from A-Shell). The command may be specified interactively from the QUTL menu, or via the /ZAPURJ command line switch. |
1709.0.3 |
SRCCOM.LIT rewritten to implement various improvements/fixes. |
1704.1.2 |
IMGDSX.LIT 1.0(115) refinements:
1696.0.2 |
JSTAT Display Enhancement: JSTAT.LIT now displays the number of open files. |
1693.0.2 |
SYSTAT 3.2(185) now accepts the switch "LIC" which causes a "+" to be displayed next to the trmdef name for jobs that currently are using a node license. |
1691.2.2 |
ISMUTL.LIT 1.4(143) enhancement: add INIT function to menu. INIT preserves the structure of the file but removes all the data and keys. The original DAT and IDX files are rolled over to D0? and I0?, up to three generations, i.e. D01, D02, D03. |
1688.0.6 |
1688.0.7 |
SEND.LIT 2.3(125) enhancement: new /F switch allows querying one or all jobs to see which have a specified file open. For example, the command .SEND /F ALL CUSTO queries all other jobs to see if they have a file named CUSTO—any directory or file extension—open. This can be a convenient alternative to the use of OS-level utilities to figure out which job is preventing your job from gaining access to a needed file resource. |
1668.0.3 |
New LIT command LOGROLL rolls over—i.e. rotates—log files. |
1662.0.2 |
Modify relevant LITs to accommodate Long File Names in LIT Commands. |
1657.0.4 |
COMPIL.LIT 1.1(136) (and OCMPIL.LIT, COMPLP.LIT) enhancement: support new switch /F1 to disable the new header signature which otherwise would be used if the program contains any features introduced in 6.5. The new signature makes it impossible to run such a program on an A-Shell version prior to 6.5.1657. The new switch may be useful in cases where even though the program contains features incompatible with an earlier A-Shell version, you know that those features will never be invoked in that environment. The switch name (/F1) comes from the fact that the older program header signature stated with 0xF1, e.g. 0xF167. The new program header signature starts with 0xF2. (See VERSYS.LIT to display the signature.) |
1657.0.3 |
VERSYS.LIT 3.0(108) enhancement: nows recognize the new header signature and reports the minimum A-Shell version needed to run the program. For example: .VERSYS MYPROG.RUN
MYPROG.RUN -- A-Shell Version & System Information: File Version: 1.0(100) Program format: 0xF276 (compil/x?; requires A-Shell edit 1657+) |
1651.1.2 |
Read-only refinement: The following LITs have been updated to avoid a read-only error related to the smart-scrollback activation feature: DIR.LIT 3.3(163); DUMP.LIT 1.0(108); PRINT.LIT 3.3(131); SYSTAT.LIT 3.2(182); TYPE.LIT 1.0(113) |
1639.0.4 |
1614.0.2 |
JSTAT.LIT 3.2(111): status now shows PC location counter for target job, vastly improving the ability to track the activity of the target even if it is running a program without many line numbers—provided you have the LSX file for the target program. |
1610.0.3 |
AGCMD.LIT 1.0(105) enhanced to support AG_SCROLLBACK: .AGCMD AG_SCROLLBACK -1 ; toggle .AGCMD AG_SCROLLBACK 1 ; show/enable .AGCMD AG_SCROLLBACK 0 ; hide/disable |
1610.0.4 |
Scrollback-related enhancements to LIT commands: the following commands now make the scroll bar visible if the environment supports it (A-Shell/Win or ATE client 6.5.1610+) and the output of the command causes the screen to scroll: COMPIL.LIT 1.1(134); DIR.LIT 3.3(162); DUMP.LIT 1.0(107); SET.LIT 1.2(161); SYSTAT.LIT 3.2(180); TYPE.LIT 1.0(112). |