!MSGTBL.DEF [104] - Symbols for MX_LITMSG (msg tables)
! VEDIT=1040
! Note: history reformatted 9-Feb-17
! [104] 19-Sep-19 / jdm / Added MSGTBL_LOGROLL
! [103] 29-Jan-17 / jdm / Added LOGON, MUSER   
! [102] 02-Feb-15 / jdm / Added MSGTBL_APN
! [101] 15-Oct-13 / jdm / Added MSGTBL_PLURAL_S

    ! symbols for LITMSG.xxx categories

    define MSG_CMDLIN = 0
    define MSG_ABOUT  = 1
    define MSG_AGCMD  = 14  
    define MSG_APN    = 68
    define MSG_APPEND = 15  
    define MSG_ASHUPD = 16  
    define MSG_ASTAT  = 17  
    define MSG_ATECFG = 18  
    define MSG_ATECTL = 19  
    define MSG_ATSYNC = 20  
    define MSG_COMPIL = 21  
    define MSG_COPY   = 11  
    define MSG_CREATE = 22  
    define MSG_DATE   = 23  
    define MSG_DEL    = 24  
    define MSG_DEVTBL = 25  
    define MSG_DIFF   = 26  
    define MSG_DIR    = 27  
    define MSG_DUMP   = 28  
    define MSG_ERASE  = 29  
    define MSG_ERSATZ = 30  
    define MSG_FIXTRN = 31  
    define MSG_FORCE  = 4   
    define MSG_FREE   = 32  
    define MSG_HEAD   = 8   
    define MSG_HOST   = 33  
    define MSG_ISMBLD = 34  
    define MSG_ISMDMP = 35  
    define MSG_ISMUTL = 36  
    define MSG_JOBALC = 37  
    define MSG_JSTAT  = 38  
    define MSG_KILL   = 39  
    define MSG_LICENS = 10  
    define MSG_LOAD   = 40  
    define MSG_LOG    = 41  
    define MSG_LOGOFF = 42  
    define MSG_LOGON  = 70    ! [103]
    define MSG_LOGROLL= 71    ! [104]      
    define MSG_LOKUTL = 43  
    define MSG_MAP    = 6
    define MSG_MEMORY = 44  
    define MSG_MMAP   = 26  
    define MSG_MUSER  = 69    ! [103]
    define MSG_MOVE   = 11    ! (same as COPY)
    define MSG_OCMPIL = 21    ! (same as COMPIL)
    define MSG_PAGE   = 45  
    define MSG_PPN    = 46  
    define MSG_PRINT  = 47  
    define MSG_PWD    = 48  
    define MSG_QUTL   = 49  
    define MSG_RENAME = 50  
    define MSG_SAVE   = 51  
    define MSG_SEND   = 3
    define MSG_SET    = 52  
    define MSG_SHLEXC = 53  
    define MSG_SIZE   = 54  
    define MSG_SLEEPR = 55  
    define MSG_SORT   = 56  
    define MSG_SRCCOM = 57  
    define MSG_SUBMIT = 58  
    define MSG_SYSACT = 59  
    define MSG_SYSTAT = 60  
    define MSG_TAIL   = 5
    define MSG_TELNET = 9
    define MSG_TELSER = 2
    define MSG_TIME   = 61  
    define MSG_TYPE   = 7
    define MSG_U      = 62  
    define MSG_VER    = 63  
    define MSG_VERIFY = 64  
    define MSG_VERSYS = 65  
    define MSG_VUE    = 66  
    define MSG_ZXPWIN = 67  

    ! [101] languages where it is safe to just add an "s" for plural
    ! [101] the others use flexible notation, like "bloc(s), blocco(chi)..."
    define MSGTBL_PLURAL_S = "USA /UK /SPA /POR "