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A-Shell Reference

AUTODLGOK={class,}<dialog title>

This command makes it possible to automatically respond to a predictable dialog displayed by some pseudo printer drivers like PDF writers. Typically these will default to the same name as the source file, but with a PDF extension, and wait for the user to hit the SAVE button (or possibly to change the directory or filename first.) If you would rather just accept the default and not have to respond to such dialogs, you can this command to your printer initialization file:


{class} is an optional Window class for the dialog (which you may be able to get from a Spy utility). If omitted, then the dialog will be recognized solely by its title.

<dialog-title> is the string appearing in the title bar of the dialog.


For example, for the popular PDF995 driver, you could use:

AUTODLGOK=Pdf995 Save As

In this case, after A-Shell sends the file to the printer, it waits a few seconds to see if a dialog pops up with the specified title. If so, it sends an Enter keystroke to it to just accept the default and proceed.


Note that in most cases, the default directory will be set to match the directory used for the previous Save As operation by that driver. So before creating a thousand PDF files this way, you may want to first use the regular interactive method to establish the default directory.