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Environment Variables

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Defines the location where the APEX work files and archived print files (.apf) are kept. If not defined the default is <My Documents>\APEX. If that is not found, it uses %TEMP%\APEX. The directory will be created as needed, provided that the parent directory exists.



Optional definition of the client's IP address. When a connection is made to a A-Shell / Unix, an attempt is made to identify the client's IP address by various means. This is the first step, and is mainly of use with sophisticated front-end connection managers that may prevent the true client IP from being determined by the normal means.



If you define this variable, the FTPDLX file transfer routine (used by ATE implicitly and by A-Shell/Windows when you explicitly call FTPDLX) will output detailed, low-level debugging information to the file %temp%\ftpdebug.log (prior to A-Shell build 1153 of June 2009, the log file was named c:\debug.log). Note that even without this, a somewhat higher-level debug log of the last file transfer can always be found in the file ftpdlx.log (in the current directory.)



Optional definition of directory to use for creation of temporary files used during spool processing. Temporary files are often used to assemble the completed spool request from parts, such as PREFIX and SUFFIX options, or resulting from pre-filtering, before sending to the system spool queue.) If ASHTMP not defined, the MIAME directory is used.



Same as MIAME, except that it is only recognized by ATE, and thus is useful for referring to the ATE base directory in commands executed on the host computer. For example, to transfer a file from the host to an ATE subdirectory using ZTXFER, you could use %ATE% to refer to the ATE base directory without any danger of the host computer expanding the environment variable relative to the host, as it would with %MIAME%.



This isn't a real environment variable, but if queried via the AG_GETENV command, will return the full filespec of the ATE client or A-Shell/Windows executable, e.g. c:\Program Files\MicroSabio\ATE\bin\ashw32.exe.



ATE defines this variable to point to the local FTP directory specified on the FTP tab of the ATE configuration dialog. This has been somewhat superseded by the ATECACHE and ATEPERMCACHE directories, but might still have some utility depending on your application.



This isn't a real environment variable, but if queried via the AG_GETENV command, will return the version of the ATE client or A-Shell/Windows executable, e.g. "4.9(930)-1".



If defined (e.g. FORCEATE=1), A-Shell Windows will use the ATE protocol for communicating between certain subroutines and their GUI implementations, instead of the more direct method. Currently this only affects XTREE, but might in theory be expanded to other subroutines. The intent is purely for debugging purposes. (Emulating ATE within a single workstation is simpler to debug than a "normal" ATE environment where the client and server are on different machines and even different operating systems.)



Standard Unix variable defining the user's home directory. This is only used by A-Shell to look for a file .PRINTER containing the name of the default printer if no printer specified in the spool request and no default defined in miame.ini or the EZ-SPOOL configuration files. The file should just consist of the desired printer name on the first line.



This is an alias for the actual environment variable ATEPERMCACHE. If you are going to manually create the environment variable, define it as ATEPERMCACHE. When referencing the environment variable, A-Shell will interpret PERMCACHE as equivalent to ATEPERMCACHE.



Optional definition of the client's IP address. Same concept as ASHCLIENTIP, except that it is checked only if ASHCLIENTIP not defined, and after a scan of the system accounting database fails to come up with a match. REMOTEHOST is defined automatically by some shells. Note that in the case of CONDEVxs, the REMOTEHOST definition will be used in preference to an IP determined by any other means (and thus you should avoid defining both REMOTEHOST and ASHCLIENTIP differently.



This is the standard Unix environment variable for the current terminal type. A-Shell queries this variable to determine which driver to use. If it matches one of the internal drivers, it uses the internal driver; otherwise it uses the generic curses interface. You can confirm that A-Shell recognizes your TERM type by executing SET TERM. If it shows the terminal type as GENERIC, then it doesn't recognize your TERM type.



If defined (e.g. XTREERAW=1) on either the ATE client or the server job to which the client is attached, XTREE data transfer optimization is disabled. This is mainly intended for testing or debugging issues relating to the optimization logic introduced in 5.0.993 XTREE for reducing the amount of raw data transferred between XTREE and the application during cell editing validation.