The AV switch allows the "variable index area" to exceed 64K. Furthermore, like with the /A switch (which is implied by /AV), unless OPTIONS=STRICT, the compiler will automatically restart the compilation using /AV if the program would exceed the 64K variable index limit. Normal variables require ten bytes of indexing space each (array variables take more), so this limited programs to something less than 6400 variables. With /AV, the limit becomes 256 times greater. /AV is independent of other compiler switches (except /A), so you don't need to go to BASICplus mode, but any RUN file thus compiled will not be compatible with AMOS, nor with any version of A-Shell prior to 4.9(857). You will get the error "RUN file is in an incompatible format" if you try to run such a program under AMOS or an earlier A-Shell.