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Assignment Statements

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Added January 2018

{LET} <variable> = <expression>

Assignment statements assign values to variables. The LET keyword is a holdover from ancient versions of BASIC and is normally omitted. <variable> can be any scalar variable or an array element. <expression> can be any expression compatible or convertible to the type of the specified variable; see Operators. Examples:

TOTAL = (QTY * PRICE) USING "######.##"

today$ = odtim(0,0,0)

month(m) = "December"

Price = Fn'Get'Price(sku)

$capitol("California") = "Sacramento"




In all cases the assignment operator is the first "=" following the variable. Any other equal signs, as in the last example above, would be treated as comparison operators, resulting in a logical expression returning TRUE (-1) or FALSE (0).

In some cases where the first operand is the same as the variable being assigned, you can use a shortcut syntax; see Shortcut OperatorsShortcut Operators. Example:


FLAGS |= MBF_KBD           ! same as FLAGS = FLAGS or MBF_KBD


MAP Statements may also contain implicit assignment statements by appending the value after the size parameter, e.g.

MAP1 PI, F, 6, 3.14159

The above would be the equivalent of:

MAP1 PI, F, 6

PI = 3.14159


See Also


Substring Assignment

Whole Array Assignment