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A-Shell Reference

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EZSPL New Format

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Reviewed and revised April 2024

xcall EZSPL (or SPOOL), file, table


file (String)  [in]

File specification for the file to print

table (Structure) [in]

Multiple options arranged per the following. Items marked with an asterisk are ignored by all A-Shell platforms.


MAP2 PRINTER,S,64             ! spooler name (was 6 under AMOS)

MAP2 CPU,F,6                  !*CPU id

MAP2 SWITCHES,F,6             ! option switches

MAP2 COPIES,F,6               ! copies to spool

MAP2 BANNER,S,50              !*banner

MAP2 LPP,F,6                  !*lines per page

MAP2 WIDTH,F,6                !*columns per page

MAP2 FORMS,S,6                ! printer form

MAP2 PRI,F,6                  !*priority

MAP2 ADATE,B,4                !*spool after date

MAP2 ATIME,B,4                !*spool after time

MAP2 RESTART,F,6              !*restart

MAP2 START,F,6                !*start page

MAP2 FINISH,F,6               !*finish page

MAP2 LIMIT,F,6                !*limit form feeds

MAP2 OPTIONS,F,6              ! (EZ-SPOOL) options

MAP2 SEQNO,F,6                !*(EZ-SPOOL) sequence #

MAP2 COUNT,F,6                !*(EZ-SPOOL) # blocks queued

MAP2 ITCERR,F,6               !*(EZ-SPOOL) ITC error

MAP2 NONITC,F,6               !*(EZ-SPOOL) spooler

MAP2 FILERR,F,6               !*(EZ-SPOOL) file error code

MAP2 EXTOPT,F,6               ! (EZ-SPOOL) extended options

MAP2 PREFIX,S,28              ! (A-Shell) prefix file

MAP2 SUFFIX,S,28              ! (A-Shell) suffix file

MAP2 HOSTROWS,F,6             ! (A-Shell) number of rows reserved for host in EZTYP

MAP2 EZCOLORS                 ! User-defined color scheme

  MAP3 EZFG'TXT,B,1          ! text colors

  MAP3 EZBG'TXT,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZFG'BDR,B,1          ! border colors

  MAP3 EZBG'BDR,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZFG'CMD,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZBG'CMD,B,1          ! command colors

  MAP3 EZFG'STS,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZBG'STS,B,1          ! status colors

  MAP3 EZFG'HLP,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZBG'HLP,B,1          ! help colors

  MAP3 EZFG'HLT,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZBG'HLT,B,1          ! highlight colors

  MAP3 EZFG'MNU,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZBG'MNU,B,1          ! menu colors

  MAP3 EZFG'BRF,B,1          !

  MAP3 EZBG'BRF,B,1          ! brief colors

MAP2 OVERLAY,S,28             ! overlay file

MAP2 TOTPAGES,F,6             ! total pages


The fields marked (EZ-SPOOL) were not part of the original AMOS specification and were added by EZ-SPOOL (as developed for AMOS). The fields marked (A-Shell) are A-Shell extensions that were not part of either the original AMOS or EZ-SPOOL specifications. All of the fields for both types of extensions are optional under A-Shell.

The PRINTER field was 6 bytes under AMOS but expanded to 64 in the A-Shell implementation to allow for the possibility of using Unix and especially Windows printer names. If you use the 64 byte version of the PRINTER field, then you MUST specify all of the other fields—even the ones which we just got through saying were optional. A-Shell can only determine which version of PRINTER you used by considering the total size of the TABLE parameter.


The EZCOLORS fields, if specified, will override the normal default color scheme used by EZ-SPOOL. The only exceptions to this are that they will be ignored if they are ALL ZERO, and that that can be overridden themselves by the EZCLR section of the INI.CLR file. For information on the color configuration file format, see Color Configuration and MX_INICLR.  

The OPTIONS parameter above may be set to any combination of the values in the following table. Values that are ignored by A-Shell have been omitted (which is why there are gaps).




PRINTER selection menu on


PRINTER selection menu off


OPTION menu on (questions at bottom of PRINTER menu)


OPTION menu off


TYPE (preview) allowed (by selecting printer X)


TYPE (preview) not allowed


ASKPRT on (Prompt to confirm user wants to print the file)




BRIEF on (single line printer selection prompt)


Preview file only (same as XCALL EZTYP)

Hex-Decimal Values


The EXTOPT parameter above may be set to any combination of the values in the following table. These may also be set via the EXTOPT=### parameter in the EZSPL configuration file. Values that are ignored by A-Shell have been omitted (which is why there are gaps).




Disable screen save/restore


Allow exit from EZVUE with Left-arrow


Allow exit from EZVUE with Tab


Allow exit from EZVUE with F1-F16


Do not ask questions on PRINT from within EZVUE


Hitting Home when already at the top of the file in EZVUE acts like the PRINT command.

Hex-Decimal Values



The PRINTER, SWITCHES, COPIES, FORMS, LPP, WIDTH, PREFIX, SUFFIX, OVERLAY, and TOTPAGES fields are interpreted in the same way as the individual parameters of the same names in XCALL SPOOL.