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A-Shell Reference

xcall MIAMEX, MX_INICLR, fspec, status

MX_INICLR (MIAMEX 116) allows you to process (or reprocess) the specified color initialization file. Normally, this file is called DSK0:INI.CLR[7,0] and is processed automatically when A-Shell is launched. But it may be useful to be able to edit this file and reprocess it, or switch to a different color settings file, without restarting A-Shell.  

fspec must contain the file specification (AMOS or native format) of the color settings file to process. If blank, the default is DSK0:INI.CLR[7,0]. If no extension is specified, the default extension is CLR.

Refer to Color Configuration for details on the format of the INI.CLR file.