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A-Shell Reference


Example:  IATIMEOUT=60

IATIMEOUT activates an inactivity timer that will shut down a session if it has been inactive—no keyboard input or ASB/LIT instructions—for at least <minutes>. In practice, the actual delay until the timeout is detected and the job is shutdown may be as much as twice the specified number of minutes. The default value is 0, meaning no inactivity timer.

The –cgi command line switch automatically sets the IATIMEOUT to 7 seconds.


The process of determining whether a session is truly inactive is fairly complicated. Since the objective is to close down jobs that have obviously been abandoned, rather than precisely limit users to N minutes of inactivity, the timing program was built to err on the side of too long rather than too short. Consequently, as mentioned above, the actual timeout period may be quite a bit longer than the setting.

See Also