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A-Shell Reference


Example:  IJCFREQ=10

IJCFREQ activates a timer interrupt that checks for "Inter Job Communication" (IJC) messages. These include inactivity timeout checks (see IATIMEOUT), and SEND.LIT and KILL.LIT under A-Shell/Windows. (The Unix version of these commands uses the more powerful and direct Unix signals.) The default value is automatically determined based on the number of users licensed, and will be in the range of 5 to 30 seconds. To disable the timer and the corresponding functions, set IJCFREQ to zero. Note that in the Windows world, checking for IJC messages involves reading a record from jobtbl.sys on the server, and thus you don’t want to make it any more frequent than necessary. But if you set the value too high, you could have to wait for a long time to get a response from a KILL or SEND command.