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A-Shell Reference

MAP {/f}

MAP displays the contents of user memory, like its AMOS counterpart. If the /F (FULL) switch is specified, it displays the module flag codes associated with each module (from the table below) and also the module version.

Beginning with version 2.2(106), MAP displays the version number of program modules if the /F switch is specified. This is particularly helpful when trying to figure out if you've got the proper version of an auto-loaded SBX or RUN file in memory.




Module is cached in memory and will be deleted automatically as needed.


Module is locked (see LOAD / LOCK) and cannot be deleted except by del /unlock.


Module is "permanent". (AMOS terminology, indicating that it was manually loaded and thus will not be automatically deleted. Use del to delete.)


Module is running and cannot be deleted under any circumstances.


Module is temporary (will be overwritten by next module loaded).


Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.