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A-Shell Reference

MEMORY <size> {k}{m}

MEMORY resizes your current user memory allocation or partition. User memory is a block of memory reserved for the private use of an individual process (aka job), and functions as a sort of hybrid between cache memory and heap memory. As with cache, programs and other modules are typically loaded and unloaded automatically without any need to pay much attention to it. But you can also perform the cache operations manually via the LOAD, MAP, and DEL commands. Note that loaded modules do not actually take up space in the user memory allocation; they are allocated separately and dynamically. So it is mainly used as a heap to manage variables and stack space while running programs. See DIR /MEMREQ for a way of estimating the memory requirements of a program.

Typically the user memory size is set via the MEMORY parameter in miame.ini, while the MEMORY system command discussed here is used mainly for experimentation and unusual situations.



PCTDVG.IFX           652    P

Free             4290755



Changing main partition size to 10240K bytes



PCTDVG.IFX           652    P

Free             9656515