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A-Shell Reference

Updated June 2019; see History

MOVE outspec = inspec1{,inspec2,...,inspecN} {/switches}

MOVE moves files from one place or name to another, which is effectively the same as copying the file and then erasing the source file. In A-Shell, MOVE.LIT and COPY.LIT are actually the same program, so refer to COPY for a description of available switches and other information.


2022 June, A-Shell 6.5.1717, COPY.LIT / MOVE.LIT 3.4(147):  Updated to fix a very old bug which would result in the directory listing being duplicated if there were consecutive DEVICE statements for the same deviceā€”i.e. one normal DEVICE definition and one or more PPN-specific definitions.

2019 June, A-Shell 6.5.1662:  MOVE.LIT 3.4(132) has been updated to accommodate a change in maximum filename.ext size, from 10.3 to 72.8.