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A-Shell Reference

Added February 2017


MUSER maintains a database of user info, and LOGON.LIT provides a menu-driven text-mode logon portal for A-Shell. Together they simulate the logon scheme used under AMOS. Most A-Shell users rely on the Windows or Unix logon scheme, thus eliminating the need for a separate emulation of the AMOS logon. But for those who have integrated aspects of the AMOS logon into their application logic, the A-Shell emulation of the feature may be useful.  

Note that although both AMOS and A-Shell store the user database in the file OPR:USER.SYS, the file layouts are not compatible. Thus you'll have to manually enter all the users when porting from AMOS. Also, several of the AMOS-centric fields in the USER.SYS are ignored.

Also note that when you use LOGON to log on as a user defined in the USER.SYS database, A-Shell will replace the native operating system logon name with the name specified in LOGON.LIT. This name will apply within A-Shell, but will not affect the real identity of the user from the host operating system perspective.


2017 February, A-Shell 6.4.1543:  Function added to A-Shell