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A-Shell Reference

xcall MIAMEX, MX_BEVEL, opcode, bevel, linedraw

(Windows only) MX_BEVEL (MIAMEX 90) allows you to query or set the beveling options, which are otherwise available on the Edit menu or via the SET TERM BEVEL command.

This function has both a subroutine and a print tab implementation.


opcode  (Num)  [in]

0 (mxop_get) to query the current options or 1 (mxop_set) to set them

bevel  (Num)  [in/out]

indicates the bevel mode:




Beveling off


Beveling set to automatic


Beveling set to program control. In this case, to turn beveling on within a program, you can use "? Tab(-10,BEVEL); str(FLAGS); chr(127)" where FLAGS are values that control beveling options, with the most useful choices being 0 (off), 255 (on, with no line drawing characters) or 15 (beveling, but use line drawing characters also).


linedraw  (Num)  [in]

should be set to 0 for enabled, or 1 for disabled. The recommendation is to disable line drawing when beveling is active so that lines will be represented entirely by the 3D raised objects.

See Also