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Added July 2021

xcall MIAMEX, MX_DRAGDROP, opcode, status, ctlid {,fidx ,fspec}

MX_DRAGDROP (MIAMEX 199) provides support for accepting files dragged and dropped from Windows File Explorer—or another Windows Shell object—onto a control created with AUI_CONTROL.

This function has both a subroutine and a print tab implementation.

To enable the feature, specify the WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES (&h0010) flag in the winstylex parameter of the AUI_CONTROL call when creating the target control. Typically this would be a static control, perhaps with a colored background and some explanatory text (e.g. “"Drop files here"), but in theory it could be nearly any control type—including dialogs—that are created with AUI_CONTROL.

Two modes are supported: destructive and non-destructive. In the destructive mode, each drop event replaces the existing contents of the drop buffer with the newly dragged file specs, as with a clipboard Copy. In the non-destructive mode, each drop event adds to the existing contents of the drop buffer. Destructive mode is the default. Non-destructive mode is established via MX_DRAGDROP opcode 3 after creating the drop target control.

In both modes, the drop event triggers exitcode -75,notifying the application so that it can respond by querying and/or retrieving the filespecs using the MX_DRAGDROP function.


opcode  (Num)  [in]




query drop buffer, set status parameter to the number of files in the drop target (ctlid)


retrieve fspec corresponding to fidx from the specified drop target (ctlid)


clear the contents of the drop target buffer


set non-destructive (previous "asynchronous") mode


status (Signed Num)  [out]

<=0: failure, or no files available in opcode 0; >0: success, which is the number of files for opcode 0, or the number of bytes in fspec for opcode 1

ctlid  (String )  [in]

control id of the target control

fidx  (Num)  [in]

for opcode  1, must be set to the number of the fspec to retrieve (starting with 1)

fspec  (String ) [out]

file specification returned for opcode 1


Note that it isn’t actually the files themselves that are being dragged and dropped; it is just their file specifications.

Although the implementation is primarily on the Windows side, accessing the new MX_DRAGDROP feature from an ATE session will require that the server instance of A-Shell also be at least at version 6.5.1705.

There is nothing stopping you from defining more than one drop target control within a given UI context. But since all drop events trigger the same exitcode -75, you would need to query each of the possible drop target controls in order to identify which control received the drop event.


Create a drop target control—in this case, a static text control. The critical element here is the WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES value for the winstylex parameter.…

! create the drop target (must be MBF_STATIC with WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES)

DROPCTLID$ = “txtDropTarget”


    "Drop File(s) Here" + chr(13) + "Click to query", MBST_ENABLE, &


    srow,scol,erow,ecol, NUL_FGC, &hddccbb, &





Set asynchronous mode:

opcode  = 3

ctlid = DROPCTLID$

xcall MIAMEX, MX_DRAGDROP, opcode , status, ctlid


Query drop target to see how many files are available:

opcode  = 0

ctlid = DROPCTLID$

xcall MIAMEX, MX_DRAGDROP, opcode , status, ctlid

count = status   ! # of files in target


Retrieve file specifications from the drop target:

opcode  = 1

ctlid = DROPCTLID$

for fidx = 1 to count   ! count retrieved from opcode 0

    xcall MIAMEX, MX_DRAGDROP, opcode, status, ctlid, fidx, fspec$

    ? “File #”;fidx;” : “;fspec$

next fidx


Also See

The sample program FILEDROP1.BP in EXLIB:[908,90] illustrating a simple drag-drop user interface.


2021 July, A-Shell 6.5.1705:  Function added to A-Shell.