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A-Shell Reference

Added October 2020

xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETDPI, sysdpi {,ctlid, ctldpi}

MX_GETDPI (MIAMEX 197) returns information about the effective or simulated resolution of the workstation monitor(s) in DPI (dots per inch). Applies only to A-Shell/Windows and ATE.

This function has both a subroutine and a print tab implementation.


sysdpi  (Num)  [out]

system DPI (primary monitor).

ctlid  (String / (Num)  [in]

optional control ID (name or number) of control for which to return the control's DPI. This will only differ from sysdpi in a multi-monitor system where the control is on one of the secondary monitors.

ctldpi  (Num)  [out]

DPI of the monitor on which the control specified by ctlid is located.


If you don't specify the -dpm command line switch when launching A-Shell/Windows or ATE, the return value will probably be a value simulated by Windows (typically 96) rather than the real resolution of the monitor. The -dpm switch disables the Windows standard resolution simulation, giving access to the actual monitor resolution. See the documentation on the command line switch DPI Per Monitor Awareness for more details.

See Also


2020 October, A-Shell 6.5.1692:  Function added to A-Shell.