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A-Shell Reference

Reviwed April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETREG, key, subkey, name, value

(Windows/ATE only) MX_GETREG (MIAMEX 99) allows you to retrieve values from the system Registry. Also see MX_REGISTRY, which offers a more extensive set of registry access capabilities.


key (Num or B,4)  [in]

must be one of the following specified values:















Definition file: ashell.def

Hex-Decimal Values


subkey  (String)  [in]

is the sub key within the specified key section of the Registry. This may have multiple parts, e.g. "Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\RecentFileList".

name  (String)  [in]

is the name of the particular value to look for within the specified subkey. You may specify a blank string to get the default value. (Many subkeys have only a default value.) For the subkey example given above, the likely names will be "File0", "File1", etc.

value  (type corresponding to registry data type)  [out]

will return the value of the specified item. The parameter type specified must match the type of the registry item: use B,4 for REG_DWORD items, string for REG_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ items, unformatted for other types. Dynamic strings (S,0) are allowed, but the internal maximum size is 1024; data items larger than 1024 bytes will come back as null strings. Environment variables, found in registry items of type REG_EXPAND_SZ, will be expanded. See History for details.


In the case of ATE (with one of the GUI-enabled "G" emulations), the request will be automatically forwarded to the ATE client, even when the server is Windows (i.e. ATSD). To query the server-side registry, use MX_REGISTRY instead.