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xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETSHELLPATH, csidl, folder {,clisvr}

MX_GETSHELLPATH (MIAMEX 171) is used for retrieving the actual directory path for a specified Windows directory ID using the CSIDL_xxx values.

This function has both a subroutine and a print tab implementation.


csidl (Num)  [in]

numeric ID of the logical directory, using its standard CSIDL_xxx identifiers.

folder  (String)  [out]

returns the physical directory path name corresponding to csidl.

clisvr  (String)  [in]

may be set to "S" (for server), or "L" (for local, which is the same as server in this context); anything else is treated as meaning "client". The option only has significance in the ATSD environment where the possibility exists of performing the function relative to the ATSD server or the client. In all other cases, the parameter is ignored and the operation is performed relative to the client, or returns an empty string if an applicable client is not present.

See Also