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Added June 2023

xcall MIAMEX, MX_TRANSCOPY, op, srcfile, dstfile, tcffile, section, status{, flags, maxlen, errmsg}

MX_TRANSCOPY (MIAMEX 202) copies and translates a file, applying a series of regular expression replacement operations such that the destination file is a variant of the source. The new term "transcopy"—translate or transform plus copy—was coined to describe this operation.


op  (Num)  [in]

must be set to 1

srcfile  (String)  [in]

source filespec

dstfile  (String)  [in]

destination filespec; replaced if already exists

tcffile  (String)  [in]

configuration filespec; see TCF specification

section  (String)  [in]

optional section name within the TCF

status (Signed Int)  [out]

on success, number of modified lines; see table below for errors

flags (Int)  [in]

optional REGEXxs flags combined with any that are set in the TCF

maxlen (Int)  [in]

optional max length of source lines to support; default 16K

errmsg  (String)  [out]

set only if status < 0)


This function (Op 1) is essentially equivalent to the compiler transclude mechanism (++include with integrated transcopy) and may be used to debug your ++include TCF files. But it is also useful for general purpose file translations.

Errors (status parameter)




-2 to -25

matching errors (same as REGEXxs)

-101 to -199

pattern compiliation errors (same as REGEXxs)

-93 to -99

misc errors (same as REGEXxs)


unable to allocate sufficient memory


input file error


output file error


invalid item or syntax error in TCF


too many s#/r# pairs in TCF


TCF maximum line length exceeded


unable to open TCF


TCF section not found


Unable to load REGEX library (PCRE)



2023 June, A-Shell 6.5.1732:  Function added to A-Shell.