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A-Shell Reference

xcall MIAMEX, MX_USRSAV, status, name

XMX_USRSAV (MIAMEX 110) allows you to save a memory module to a disk file.


status  (F6)

will return the number of bytes written to disk if successful, 0 if the module was not found in memory, and a negative number to indicate an error. Currently defined error conditions are: -1 if there was a discrepancy in the number of bytes written (perhaps indicating a disk quota or limit was exceeded); -2 if the file could not be opened (perhaps indicating a privilege or write protect problem); and –3 if there was an error in processing the file specification (perhaps indicating that you are not logged into a valid directory).


should be set to the name and extension of the module to save (e.g. "EMAILX.SBX"). It will be saved to your current logged in directory.

See Also

The notes under MIAMEX 107 for more information on A-Shell’s user memory architecture.
SAVE.LIT, which is the typical way to save a memory module to disk.