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A-Shell Reference

Reviewed and revised April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_VUE, filecmd, gostring

MX_VUE (MIAMEX 14) is used by the A-Shell VUE.LIT program to invoke the A-Shell VUE editor (which is coded in C), but could be used by any program requiring full text editing facilities.


filecmd  (String)  [in]

Name of the file to edit followed by optional switches. File name may be in DevPPN or host format, and may include embedded %envvar% references. If it contains embedded spaces, must be enclosed in double-quotes. You may append of the valid VUE.LIT switches (/R, /Y, /C, /W, etc.) to the end of the parameter, but you must convert them to "Unix format", i.e. use a dash instead of a slash and make them lower case. For example:

FILENAME = "MYFILE.TXT /W /R"     ! (wrong)

FILENAME = "MYFILE.TXT –w –r"     ! (correct)

gostring  (String)  [out]

Will return the list of commands associated with the GO directive in the VUE INI file if the session is terminated by executing the GO command.  It is up to the calling program to process the gostring, typically by chaining to it as in in-memory command file, which is what VUE.LIT does.


If you only want to display a file but not allow editing of it, then you should specify the –r (read only) switch, or better yet, use EZTYP (which see).