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A-Shell Reference

Following are the switches used with COMPIL.




OCMPIL mode (BASIC 1.3 compatibility)


Increase size of offsets used for program addresses from 16 to 24 bits. This fixes "transfer address out of range" compiler errors. Beginning with COMPIL version 1.0(112), /A is invoked automatically (as needed).


Additional Variables: Extends the allowable number of variables.


Background: Send errors messages to <sourcefile>.lst.


(C:symbol=value) Provides for passing Compiler Symbol Definitions.


Enables case insensitive compilation. Note that this applies to labels and function/procedure names as well as variables and symbols.


Outputs just a list of ++INCLUDE files to <source>.lst. Mainly for internal use by APN.


Enables use of certain d/BASIC statements.


Activate conditional debug code by compiling the variable DEBUG as 1.


Disables the header signature which otherwise would be used if the program contains any features introduced in 6.5.


Allow the use of ISAM 1.0 statements (not relevant for OCMPIL or /13)


Treats all ++INCLUDEs as ++INCLUDE'ONCE; "IGOO" = Include Global Once Only.


Assume F,8 instead of F,6 if variable size is not specified.


Creates a consolidated List File showing all of the source with location offsets.


Local Include causes the directory information on any ++INCLUDE statement to be ignored.


Create .LSM file containing metadata used by APN.


Mapped variable required: causes compiler error for any unmapped variables.


Unmapped Variable List: Reports every line in which an unmapped variable appears.


Turns off the display of compiler statistics.


Ignore all trace related statements during compilation (++pragma TRACE_xxx,,


Removes the internal line number references from the compiled object code, making it smaller and faster, but eliminating the capability for error handling routines to display the line number of the error.


Enables support for Named Parameters.


Superset of /P, which is implied; enables automatic removal of un-referenced functions and procedures from the compiled output. The removed routines are also marked as such in the /LF List File.


Run Compatible: Preserves runtime compatibility for AMOS.


Silent: Turns off the display of ++INCLUDE file names.


Trace: Display source code as it is being processed.


Attempts to duplicate AMOS 1.4 and higher.


(VC:pattern) Version Copy causes the compiler to make a backup copy of every source module encountered according to the specified pattern.


Outputs a "tag" file to <source>.TAGS. Mainly for internal use by APN.


Enables use of certain BASICplus syntax elements. These are clarified in more detail in the section on BASICplus extensions.


Enables the use of certain A-Shell extensions to BASIC. See A-Shell Extensions.


Same as X:2, but creates an SBX file instead of RUN.


Writes switch listing to the screen.

Definition File: compil.def