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A-Shell Development History


APEX bug fix: //META file transfers were not being initiated when running APEX in a second instance (as is always the case in ATE).


INFLD enhancement: TYPE ||P may be used with the security type field (S) to automatically decrypt/encrypt a password, using A-Shell's standard password encryption scheme. (See MX_PWCRYPT).


MX_PWCRYPT bug fix: it was failing to recognize non-encrypted passwords, thus "decrypting" them was instead mangling them.


Dialog scaling bug fix: MBF_ALTPOS dialogs no longer inherit any scaling from their parents. (Previously, the size of a child dialog was being affected by whether the parent dialog was normal or maximized.)


XTREE bug fix: relative image paths were not working in file mode. Even worse, very long paths were causing A-Shell to crash.


XTREE bug fix: U (application-only editable) wasn't being respected in some cases, allowing the user to edit cells by clicking on them.


AG_WINEXEC enhancement: You may now optionally pass the current working directory as a second argument (otherwise the launched process assumes the current A-Shell or ATE working directory). New syntax:

? TAB(-10,AG_WINEXEC);cmd$;chr(127);        ! default working dir


? TAB(-10,AG_WINEXEC);cmd$;"~";workdir$;chr(127);  ! explicit working dir



Clean up various issues relating to the GDI //META command; APEX now displays a progress dialog while transferring a //META file, and disables the export buttons until the first page is fully displayed (i.e. after the META file transfers); also, avoid re-processing //META commands if the page is re-viewed with APEX.


AG_SHLEXEC debug refinement: when the launch fails, create a SHELLEX.LOG file with additional details (will be in the ATE SYS: account).


APEX bug fix: fix problem where clicking on a page from within multi-page view was causing the page in the resulting single-page view to mostly outside of the window.


APEX bug fix: A patch in 1137.1 had the undesirable side-effect of disabling the "serialization" of APEX print files (that is, the appending of a unique numeric suffix on the file name so that several copies of the same file could be archived for the duration of the retention period.)


APEX bug fix: All navigational keyboard commands now re-center the page in the window, eliminating a problem where hitting, say, HOME, would sometimes result in the page being displayed outside the window, making the window appear blank.


Compiler bug fix (COMPIL 5.1.427) - Compiler was failing to detect a syntax error consisting of an excess character, like a ")" at the end of an ELSEIF line. The bug did not affect the RUN code generation, providing that the excess character was simply that, i.e. excess.


XTREE bug fix: gradient select bar styles were getting reset back to the non-gradient version after an editable cell.


ATE Aux Port printing refinement: Make it more difficult to accidentally terminate aux port printing (mainly with big reports). Previously, a 2 second interruption in the data flow (which could be caused by suspending ATE processing by opening the menu bar), or a Ctrl+X would have closed the aux port channel, causing the remainder of the report to appear on the screen. Now, either case will prompt the user to confirm the abort, and in addition, the timeout logic is now smarter so it doesn't get fooled by ATE being busy or suspended.


ATE Aux Port printing refinement: For workstations running XP or higher and that have created any GUI objects since the start of the session, a small activity bar "marquee" will display in the lower right corner of the dialog or window during the printing. Clicking on the marquee acts like hitting Ctrl+X (i.e. prompts the user to confirm that they really want to abort printing.)


APEX enhancement: The vertical arrow keys now act like PgUp/PgDn when in single page mode and we are already at the top or bottom of the page. Previous, the vertical arrows would just cease to work when you had scrolled to the vertical limit of the current page, requiring the user to switch to the PgUp/PgDn keys. Also, use of the arrow keys now restores the optimum page positioning within the window (after zooming with the mouse may have left the page position way off one edge in order to anchor the zoom to the mouse position.)


INFLD/GUI bugfix: Close a loophole in non-theme (i.e. pre-XP) environments where INFLD was still setting intermittently the background color even when the "Force Standard Colors in Edit Boxes" option (Misc. Settings Dialog) was set. This was typically causing inactive INFLD fields to display with the same background as static text.


Window resizing bugfix: Close a loophole which was intermittently leading to a GPF when resizing a window. Problem was only reported under W2000, but in theory could have happened in any environment given the right set of circumstances (which were essentially random).


APEX enhancement: Underlying DLL SftPrintPreview_IX86_A_##.dll upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Currently the only new feature we are using is a minor change in the way zoom works. Previously, zooming caused the entire page to be repositioned, which generally caused the "focus" of the zoom to move around. Now, the redisplayed page is firmly anchored on the mouse, allowing you to zoom right in on single character if you so desire.