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A-Shell Development History


Dialog scaling bug fix: fix problem that was exacerbated by the earlier fix in 1137.7.


The A-Shell server now keeps track of ATE client versions in JOBTBL.SYS, so that they can be displayed using SYSTAT/ATE (see below).


SYSTAT.LIT 3.0(159) now displays the ATE client version information, in place of the memory partition size, when using the /ATE switch.


A-Shell now supports a new optional file %MIAME%/atesetup/options.txt, which if present, may contain a single line of command line switches to be passed to the ATE update routine. By default, only the /AUTOUPDATE switch is passed (and at this point, that is the only recognized switch), but this opens the door for adding additional options, even custom dealer-implemented ones, to the update/installer.


SQL.SBR 0.1 "release" for A-Shell/Windows: SQL.SBR is really just the "hub", and requires a "connector" module to complete the connection from A-Shell to an SQL database. No connectors are officially released yet, although there is pre-release MySQL connector (ashmysql.dll) that can be made available to a limited number of beta testers. (Contact MicroSabio or stay tuned for further details.)


XTREE enhancement: New cformat code ] may be added to any column in a file-mode tree to force trailing blanks to be stripped before loading the cell. (This is automatic in array mode, but in file-mode, the blanks may be needed to preserve the interpretation of the returned selection string.)


INFLD bug fix: INFLD was failing to clear the "1-click cursor alignment" region on exit. The result was that there would in some screens be a region (one row high) where clicking would generate a bunch of chr(8) or chr(12) characters.


XTREE bug fix: The xtr'expandlevel feature was not working reliably, because some operations performed on the tree after setting up the expand/collapse level were having a side effect which caused some rows to get expanded.