1. OPTIONS=SHLPATH causes the OPEN (for sequential input) and LOOKUP functions within Basic to automatically search in [p,pn] and [p,0] first whenever the current program is SHL or PRESH and the filespec requested is DSK0:*.xxx[7,11] where xxx is QRY, MNU or CMN. This rather obscure feature was implemented as a workaround for the lack of such a feature in the SIGMATRONICS 2.0a version of their AlphaMenu emulator (SHL). Note, however, that the feature was added to the 2.1 version of SHL, so this A-Shell feature is not expected to be of much benefit to anyone (except one particular developer who will be spared the ignominy of having his name revealed here.)
2. (LINUX) The LINUX distribution of A-Shell now includes executables for both Red Hat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.12) and Red Hat 6.2 (kernel 2.2.14). This was deemed necessary due to an incompatibility between the libncurses libraries of the respective releases, which cause a segmentation fault in A-Shell if your TERM type is not one of the types embedded within A-Shell. The installation script automatically installs the correct version of the executables, but the other versions will remain in the /vm/miame/bin directory with r6x extensions (i.e., .r61 for the 6.1 versions and r62 for the 6.2 versions.) If you upgrade your version of LINUX after installing A-Shell, you may want to manually rename the appropriate executables.
Note that we also release the utilities lslk (list locks) and lsof (list open files) in the same way. These, however, come from the Red Hat distribution and it will be left to any interested parties to verify that the versions we distribute have not been superceded by later ones.
3. (UNIX) Fixed a problem reading the INI.VUE settings such that "ON" and "OFF" were not properly recognized if the file had CRLF line terminators. (The other booleans, "T", "1", or "Y" for TRUE/YES, and "F", "0", "N" for FALSE/NO were working since they only look at the first letter. Sorry to those outside of the U.S.: the boolean interpreter has not yet been upgraded to support non-English values. (Probably best to stick with the international 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE anyway.)