1. OPTIONS=AUTOCCON will cause Control-C to be enabled at the start of each program. This may be useful in a situation where Control-C is getting turned off by some kind of a menu system that can't be changed.
2. PRINT.SBR now supports OPTIONS=HEXDEC, causing it to convert dates with a hexidecimal digit in the YY to the equivalent normal format. (e.g. 05/31/A0 gets printed as 05/31/00.)
3. (UNIX) VUE.HLV file brought up to date.
4. (UNIX) Finish implementing the cursor on/off fix described in edit 733. (Was finished for Windows but not for LINUX/UNIX.)
5. PRINT.LIT 2.5(113) now supports the /H, /WIDTH:#, /LPP:#, and /MARGIN:# switches, in addition to /? to display help information. Note that if any of these switches are used, PRINT.LIT will first create a formatted temporary file, adding the headers, page breaks, and margin as specified, and then spool the temporary file.