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A-Shell Development History


A-Shell/Windows directory scanning fix: devices defined using IP addresses (e.g. DEVICE=SMB0 // can now be scanned by PPN.LIT and wildcard commands such as DIR.LIT. Previously, files could be accessed, but directory scanning commands would report no files on the device due to parsing confusion with the dots in the spec.


Dialog/Menu bug fix: When adding a menu bar to a dialog, the dialog height is supposed to increase slightly to make up for the space taken by the menu bar. This was broken in 984.3. This fix restores the old behavior, with the slight improvement that the height increase is now calculated to be exactly the height of the menu bar, rather than one logical grid row height.


Dialog sizing bug fix: The height of dialogs was being rounded down to the nearest integer row (cancelling the benefit of millirow measurements).


Mouse-click fix: Clicking on a control in a dialog that was not the active modal dialog was causing the control's click string to fire, even though the dialog itself was effectively suspended. Now, such attempts should just cause the focus to be returned to the active modal dialog.


AUI_EVENTWAIT fix: Fix a problem with the EVW_EXCDINOUT switch causing an unwanted button click exit when returning from a secondary dialog that was launched via a button on the primary dialog. Also, fix a bug in which the EVW_EDIT flag was essentially being treated as set even if it wasn't.


Button/image scaling fix: adjustment to button/image scaling made in 984.6 was causing the icons within some buttons to be clipped.


Scanning fix: Attempt to scan in TIF format with the compression option set to 0 (none) was failing with error -9. Also, TIF compression option 7 (JPEG) now supported. (This returns a TIF image file with JPEG compression, not to be confused with the JPG file format.)


ATE now recognizes the ATE Environment Variable as an alias for MIAME.


DATEPK.SBR (ERS): fix bug involving garbage characters at the end of the output date when converting from MMDDYY to MM/DD/CCYY format.


AM75/AM65 emulations now recognize possibility of extended ATE and ZTERM functionality. For example, SET TITLE works, and if the client is actually ATE, LICENS/ATESRV will work. This is mainly a convenience for people using ATE in non-GUI mode.


LICENS.LIT 2.3(120) supports server-based licensing of ATE clients in AM75 and AM65 emulation. You have to execute the LICENS/ATESRV command explicitly (the server will not automatically do it or you, as it would for the emulations with "G" on the end, but you can do it manually via LICENS/ATESRV).


ASTAT.LIT 3.0(133) fixes sort problem.


UNIX installation script will now install am* TERMINFO and TERMCAP entries if am75g is not currently defined.