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A-Shell Development History

wodFTPDLX.DLL (included, like FTPDLXcall.DLL, in the BIN directory with ASHW32.EXE) has been updated to from This wasn't actually necessary for the above fixes, but as long as we were making changes, we might as well bring it up to date. (We had delayed doing this before because an earlier change seemed to have introduced a lockup problem when transferring lots of small files, but that seems to have been resolved now.) The change notes for the component are:

Host name now resolved in the background so as to not lock the PC for a couple of seconds trying to resolve an invalid host name.
Fix problem with hanging when certain errors encountered during wildcard operations.
Fix in VanDyke Vshell directory parser.
Fix problem with SFTP transfers getting aborted after 1 GB.
Fix problem uploading wrong file after a failed connection.
Data connection now always uses port 20 for PASV connections to prevent local sockets being exhausted under XP.
Switched to OpenSSL 0.9.7 which is FIPS140-2 certificated.