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A-Shell Development History

GDI printing directive RECTANGLE now supports an option for rounded corners.

XTEXT combo control refinement: a vertical scroll bar is now displayed if all of the possible items do not fit within the area allocated to the drop-down box.

EVENTWAIT fix: There was a problem with EVW_EXCDINOUT+EVW_EXCDFOCUS not always working on the initial call for a new dialog.

XTREE Image fix: When an XTREE image cell was both editable and had a cell background color, the first character of the cell text was being clipped in some cases. Note that this is a pretty exotic combination. Image cells can display additional text, and that text is editable, but the image filename itself is not directly editable; you have to reload the array to change the image.

XTREE Editable cell fix: Using navigation keys was sometimes resulting in a non-editable cell being selected for editing. Typically this was related to there not being any editable cells visible, for example, in a multi-level tree where the editable cells were collapsed.

XTREE Editable cell fix: When using unconditional validation, exiting from an editable cell operation via a click on a menu or other control was returning EXITCODE -48 (validation) rather than the EXITCODE for the control or menu clicked on.

Fix XTREE cell-editing bug in which certain navigation operations were resulting in a non-editable cell becoming editable.

Fix bug causing a GPF if you passed the PDFX driver to MX_GDICALC.

Fix bug in INSTR() function: If the starting position was beyond the end of the source string, and the search key was one character long, the results were unpredictable (instead of returning 0). The bug was introduced in 5.0.989 when the single-character INSTR was "optimized".

XTEXT control update (TER14.DLL fixes a problem with //XTEXT printing when the OFFSET parameter is non-zero. (The problem was that the first logical line of the output would retain the font characteristics that would have applied if the OFFSET were 0.)

XTREE bug fix: accelerator characters (ALT+) were not working when in an editable cell. (They still don't work properly in combo boxes.)

XTREE enhancement: If you set the top bit (&h80) of XTR'SELECTAREA for an editable tree, it will keep the first column selection indicator (blue bar) on during editing. Depending on the tree layout and other factors, you may find this more aesthetically pleasing. (In particular, it reduces the "flash" when cell-to-cell movement requires exit/re-entry.)

XTREE/ATE (server side) fix: When the answer array was being passed via the top level unformatted variable (e.g. XANSARY), rather than the first element of the array (e.g. ANSARY(1)), the space-filling enhancement in 993.6 was, in some cases, leading to transmission of a lot of unnecessary spaces, which, depending on how many, could have had a serious impact on the speed of loading and re-entering the tree.

ATE bug fix: The logic which looks for files in the ATECACHEDIR, if not found in the originally specified directory, was not working when the original filespec referenced an ersatz that was not known to the ATE workstation.

MX_GDICALC enhancement: It now returns status -8 if you specify a rectangle that has zero or negative space. Previously, it was displaying a cryptic "Printing Area Too Small" message.

XTREE bug fix: Clicking on TX or RX cells was returning XTR'TARGETCOL=0.

XTREE new feature: XTREE now supports list substitution style (aka INFLD ||L) combo lists via the new ListX and CellListX clauses.