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A-Shell Development History

XTREE now supports list substitution style (aka INFLD ||L) combo lists via the new ListX= and CellListX= clauses.

ListX = <code>, <descr>, <code>, <descr>,...

CellListX = <idx>, <code>, <descr>, <code>, <descr>,...


ListX=1,UPS Ground,2,UPS BLUE,3,Fed Ex,4,Mail"

CellListX=c,AL,Alabama,CA,California,LA,Lower Alabama~~"

ListX and CellListX are just like List and CellList, respectively, except that the list of items consists of <code>,<descr> pairs, where the <code> is what you store in your application (and in the data and answer arrays) while the <descr> is what displays in XTREE. The concept and implementation is essentially the same as the INFLD ||L "list substitution" field type.

The XTRA5 and XTRA5C sample programs in the EXLIB have been updated to illustrate these.