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A-Shell Development History

STATIC controls (MBF_STATIC) can now support any image type supported by AUI_IMAGE (currently BMP, JPG, TIF, PCX). Displaying an image inside of a static control (using AUI_CONTROL) rather than independently (using AUI_IMAGE) offers some advantages in that it eliminates some confusion caused by having to treat them differently than other controls.

The technique is analogous to a static icon or a button with an image: just specify the combination MBF_STATIC+MBF_BITMAP and put the image filespec in the CTEXT$ parameter. Note the following:

Unlike static icons (MBF_STATIC+MBF_ICON) which do not scale, static bitmaps will be scaled to fit the coordinates of the control. If the MBF_NODISTORT flag is set, the aspect ratio will be preserved (meaning that the image may not fully fill the height or width of the control). Otherwise, it will be stretched to fit.
Requires that you have a license for the imaging library (vic32.dll).