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A-Shell Development History

Imaging enhancement: Add rudimentary support for PNG image format, via AUI_IMAGE, IMAGE.SBR, AUI_CONTROL, //IMAGE, and XTREE. (Saving scanning images to PNG not yet supported, nor is the alpha channel, except in XTREE.)

File extension must be PNG or WMF. (The latter is a weird case; apparently in some cases WMF files may actually be PNG files.) Several new PNG- specific error status codes added to the AUI_IMAGE functions:




Unknown critical chunk


Not enough IDATs for image


Invalid IHDR chunk


Invalid bit depth in IHDR


Invalid color type in IHDR


Invalid color type/bit depth combo


Invalid interlace method in IHDR


Invalid compression method in IHDR


Invalid filter method in IHDR


Invalid image size in IHDR


Bad PNG signature


Bad CRC value


Extra data at end of file


Unexpected End Of File


Memory error


Decompression error


Compression error


Out of disk space