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A-Shell Development History

MX_COMPIL enhancement: new STATUS parameter returns 0 for success (else error), making it easier to detect if the compile succeeded. Complete syntax is now:

xcall MIAMEX, MX_COMPIL, filename, switches {,defbuf, vcpattern, status}

filename  (String)  [in]

is the filespec of the source program to compile

switches  (Num)  [in

is a bitmap of switch values. Note recently defined bits:












defbuf  (String)  [in]

contains one or more symbol=value pairs (from /C:sym=value switches), separated by chr(10).

vcpattern  (String)  [in]

contains the pattern specified in /VC:pattern

status  (Num)  [out]

returns 0 if the compile succeeds, else failure.