XTREE enhancement to SelChgExit=### feature: When the selection is changed by keyboard action, the exit is delayed (1/3 second by default). This eliminates the situation where the user wants to jump from, say, row 5 to 10, but instead of clicking on row 10, they use the down arrow to scroll down. Previously, this would have exited on row 6, which was generally wasn't desirable. You can change the default delay by adding it to the end of the SelChgExit clause, separated by a comma:
Where exitcode is the numeric value of the exitcode to be generated on change of selection, and delay is the desired delay in milliseconds (default 333 milliseconds).
There is no delay when the selection is changed by clicking.
In the case of changing the selection via the keyboard search feature, the delay is increased by 1 second to allow the operator to more easily type the necessary characters to identify the desired item to be selected.