Introduction > Specifications and Features

Memo File Format

The memos are stored in 64-byte linked records in a standard AMOS-style contiguous file. The links may be either two or four bytes, leaving 62 bytes of memo text per record if two-byte links are used, or 60 bytes of memo text per record if four-byte links are used.

A compression algorithm is used which stores up to 255 contiguous blanks as two bytes, yet allows the exact format to be reproduced for later display or printout. The actual number of characters used to store a memo is equal to the number of non-blank and enclosed single blank characters, plus two bytes for every enclosed block of two-255 blanks (don't count trailing blanks), plus one byte for each logical line. The number of 64-byte memo records required is equal to the number of bytes divided by 60 (four-byte links) or 62 (two-byte links) and rounded up to the nearest integer.