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AshLPD Reference

AshLPD is an A-Shell/Windows application that implements a network print server that offers some advantages over standard network print servers for applications running A-Shell. These include:

Support for the A-Shell/Windows GDI printing directives (allowing A-Shell/UNIX applications to take full advantage of A-Shell/Windows printing features).
A single AshLPD server can support any number of logical and physical printers without user invention.
Eliminates the need to go "outside A-Shell" to administer printing-i.e., you don't have to set up any UNIX or Linux print services.
Support for a backup server (if the PC running AshLPD goes down, it can automatically attempt printing to another PC).
Configurable archiving of print files on the AshLPD server.
GUI interface on the PC provides real-time status display, access to log of files printed, ability to display and/or reprint files (including option to change printers).
A-BASIC source code provided, allowing easy customization.
Additionally, AshLPD understands LPD/LPR protocol; see LPD/LPR Sample Setup for specifics.