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AshLPD Reference

Navigation: Introduction

Terminology and Definitions

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It is easy to get confused when talking about PC-based print servers because the machine at each end acts as both a client and a server, depending on the context. The document will try to reduce that confusion by consistent use of the following terms:

Application Server: A machine that the application runs on; this is typically a UNIX or Linux machine, or possibly a Windows telnet server. From the standpoint of the network printing protocol, this machine is actually a client.

Print Server: A program, or hardware device with such a program embedded, that handles print requests via a defined protocol, typically from remote machines over a network.

AshLPD Print Server: An instance of AshLPD, running under A-Shell/Windows on a PC. The same PC may also act as a telnet client to the application server. An AshLPD print server instance may support multiple logical and physical printers, and a single PC may run multiple AshLPD print servers (although the latter is probably redundant.)

LPR / LPD: A specific protocol for remote printing commonly used in UNIX and often supported by print servers. LPR is the client side (issues the print request), and LPD is the server side (receives and processes it). AshLPD may be considered an enhanced version of LPD, but is not currently compatible with LPR clients. It requires a special ASHLPR client.