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PDFX Reference

Updated April 2014; see History

The purpose of generating a report is normally to communicate information to a third party. The combination of creating a PDF file and automatically sending it to the desired party via email can be extremely useful. Note the following:

If you are going to send the PDF file via email, you should normally set the Save.App.Run option to no ("0"). You do not normally want Acrobat to display the just-generated PDF file and interfere with the email process.
See Email Methods to determine with method(s) will work best for your situation. All things being equal, type 4 is always recommended.
When first setting up your email procedure, make sure that your PDF is being properly created and "printed" before working on the email aspects of the process. In other words, don't muddy the waters by doing anything other than emailing your perfectly created PDF file. Make sure all aspects of PDFX and the PDF generation process are working exactly as you wish, and then add email processing as the final step.


2014 April, A-Shell 6.1.1383: Implement email types 5 and 6, provide support for UTF8 characters in Content, change several default values, implement file attachment mechanism, add UseSSL option 2.

2008 September, A-Shell 6.0.1124: Implement Email.Type 4, new SMTP email, as a replacement for the problematic Email.Type 3.