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PDFX Reference

Updated October 2015

For historical reasons, there are six email methods (previously called types) that actually cover only three basic modes of operation.





Launch client

0, 5


Launch default email client, require user to complete the process and press "Send."

Run client unattended

1, 6


Launch default email client, attempt to complete email operation without user input.


2, 4


Communicate directly with SMTP server, do not use PC's email client.


Caution: Although the terminology and numbering changed (from Type to Method) in the PDFXv5 update, the old Types continue to work as they did in the past, regardless of which PDFX version you are running.  While documenting the changes, we somehow failed to actually implement the name "Method" in A-Shell until 6.4.1548.2, so prior to that, you must use Email.Type instead of Email.Method. Going forward, either name is acceptable. Note however the slight difference in numbering - Email.Method,0 is equivalent to Email.Type1, Method 1 is equivalent to Type 2, Method 2 is equivalent to Type 3.  From 4 to 6, the Method and Type values are the same.

In brief, Methods 0, 1 and 2 (aka Types 1, 2 and 3 in PDFXv3) are implemented in the PDF tool on which PDFX is built. Methods 4, 5 and 6 were written by MicroSabio to overcome shortcomings of the the implementations built in to the driver. Methods 4, 5 and 6 are therefore completely under MicroSabio control, have been tested extensively, and are recommended for all users in all situations. Methods 0, 1 and 2 are not deprecated, and do in fact work. But the MicroSabio versions are nonetheless recommended—most specifically because MicroSabio is able to fully diagnose and fix any bugs that may be revealed; this is not true with Methods 0, 1, 2.

Use Email.Method 4 if you can. Several years' experience with PDFX has shown that Email Method 4—SMTP email—is more reliable and predictable than the other options. The other types rely on the PC's email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) and are therefore subject to the variables and vagaries of different firms' ideas of how programmatic control of an email program should work. Plus, security issues may now prevent automatic emailing, and a warning dialog may appear even if you are trying to specify fully automatic operation. Use Method 4 to avoid these issues.