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Defining an Image Watermark

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//PDFX,Watermarks.DefineImage, Wname, ImgSpec, TransColor, Width, Height, Align, Xoffset, Yoffset, Angle, Opacity, Flags, PlaceType, PageRange


The parameters not listed below have the same meaning as for the Watermarks.DefineText directive, except Flags, which has two additional options:






Name to assign to the watermark definition. You'll need to refer to this name in the Watermarks.Watermarks directive to invoke it.



Specifies the file spec of the image to use for the watermark, in either AMOS-style or native format. Supported formats: BMP, PNG, JNG, JPEG, JPEG 2000, TIFF, JBIG, JBIG2, GIF, PCX, DCX, EMF, WMF.


Integer (RGB)

Specifies the RGB value of the color within the image to treat as transparent. Use the standard A-ShellBASIC hex notation for RGB values (&hBBGGRR), e.g. &hFFFFFF for white.

Width, Height


Specify the display width and height of the watermark, in tenths of millimeters. The image will be scaled to this size. Applicable only if the &h0100 bit in the Flags parameter is not set.


Integer (sum)

Indicates options relating to the placement and visibility of the watermark, and may combine zero or more of the following. Flags has the values as for the Watermarks.DefineText directive, with these two additional options:



Scale the watermark to fit the page, ignoring the Width and Height parameters



Don't retain aspect ratio when scaling.



Definition of the image watermark shown in the example above.  It is named “WM2”, consists of the image file logo.png, the transparency color is pure white, i.e. RGB(255,255,255), the display width and height are both set to 180.0 millimeters, alignment set to both vertical and horizontal center (17), zero offsets, zero rotation angle, 15% opacity, flags 30 (background, visible in viewer, when exported and when printed), all pages.

//;define an image watermark


//;enable watermarks


//;And specify this watermark




New in PDFXv5.