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PDFX Reference

Note that all switches are optional except for DIR=.

Also note that failure to ensure that special switch characters such as quote marks (") and "/" are included in your command line or batch file, and are in the correct positions, will result in the failure of the command to behave as expected.




Designates that the installation once started should be silent and require no user interaction.


Designates that the install should only request essential information from the user once started.


Specify that no reboot occur when installation is complete. PDF-XChange does require a reboot before updates will take effect.


Required. The full path to install all required files to, created if not already available, i.e.: /DIR="C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange 5\" Note that the path details must begin and end with double quotation marks (").


the Windows 'Start Menu' folder in which to locate the Menu options provided when installing PDF-XChange - this will always be a 'Child' menu option of the default 'Programs Files' menu and this cannot be changed, i.e.: /GROUP="Tracker Software\PDF-XChange 5" Note that the path details must begin and end with double quotation marks (").


If this switch is specified only those components actually listed will be installed, otherwise all components are installed. The available components are:

pdfSaver (Always Required)

PDF-XChange driver (Always Required)


Languagess  (note: ‘ss’ is required!)



For example, this will install all components except the User Interface local language files.

/COMPONENTS="pdfSaver,PDF-XChange driver, Help"


If this option is specified, no shortcuts to PDF-XChange resources such as help files etc will be added to the Windows 'Start' Button Programs listing fro the end user client installation.


Sets the PDF-XChange printer name as required - please note that the first 12 characters are reserved - including the space after "PDF-XChange " the default option without this entry is currently "PDF-XChange Printer 2012', i.e. : /PName:"PDF-XChange 5" Also the revised Printer name must not end with a space - must be an Alpha/Numeric character.


Sets PDF-XChange to be the system default Printer - the default option without this entry is that PDF-XChange will not be the default printer.


If this option is specified, after the specified timeout (nn, in minutes) the pdfSaver3 module of the PDF-XChange driver will unload. This ensures that the minimum necessary memory is in use at any time - this is only necessary where multiple users may be using PDF-XChange on a single PC, Server or Citirx/WTS system at a given time as the resources used are minimal - but could be collectively quite large in such a system as described above.


Sets a language as the default for the user interface for all of the installed programs and the print driver. Use format /LANG=xx  where xx may be en (English), nl (Dutch), fr (French), gr (German), sp (Spanish), ko (Korean), ch (Chinese), jp (Japanese), fi (Finnish)


Installs the driver but with a visible “printer”


Registration: Allows the user's <data> details to be registered during silent installation, i.e.: "/"

