Check ATE network state

? tab(-10, AG_CHKPCNET); chr(127)

input "",FLAGS

STATUS = FLAGS / 65536        ! STATUS in upper word

FLAGS = FLAGS and &hFFFF    ! FLAGS in lower word


AG_CHKPCNET (74) allows you to detect the state of the ATE-connected PC'S internet connectivity from the server. It is equivalent to the subroutine MX_CHKPCNET.

STATUS and FLAGS have the same meaning as in MX_CHKPCNET, but are returned combined into a single 4 byte variable in order to minimize complications if the function times out or is not available.


MX_CHKPCNET can be called directly even on A-Shell/UNIX (1138.3 or higher), so there is no particular need to use the AG_CHKPCNET protocol except where the server side is too old (or isn't A-Shell).

If the ATE client is prior to 1138.3, this function will just hang (until the user hits ENTER), so you would do well to check the version of the ATE client (see MX_GETVER) before calling it. That's another reason to just use MX_CHKPCNET, since it performs that check for you, returning -1.