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VUE.INI Directives

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This directive, both at the command level and in ini.vue, adjusts the starting column number. By default, VUE calls the first column #0. If you want the first column to be numbered 1, then use >COLOFFSET 1 at the VUE prompt or add COLOFFSET = 1 to ini.vue.



This controls whether you can invoke a d/VUE-inspired feature of the same name in which the control commands ^S^H, ^S^J, ^S^K and ^S^L can be used to change the default cursor advance direction to left, down, up and right (default), respectively. This feature can be handy for laying out forms, but if accidentally invoked could wreak havoc on a blind typist, which is why it is not enabled by default.



This directive can be used to force VUE to create a separate <file>.lck file while <file> is being edited with write privileges. The purpose of this is to allow yet another way for external editors to detect that a file may be in the process of being modified by VUE.



This directive may be used at the command level or in ini.vue to disable caret position with the mouse. This may be useful on some laptops with very sensitive touch pads, which otherwise may cause the typing position to jump around unexpectedly (considered rather bad behavior in a program editor). Default is TRUE.



This directive controls whether you get a warning message and request to confirm when you attempt to quit out of an editing session after making changes to the file. Of course if you still quit accidentally, you can always retrieve the .BAK backup file, but you must do that before you edit the file again.



This may be set to ON to force VUE to keep the shifted status line (if there is one) equal to the unshifted status line. This prevents the line from "blinking" when you hit the Shift key. This is only an issue in certain terminal emulation environments.