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Reorganized April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETGDO, status, p0 {,p1, p2, ... , p9}

xcall MIAMEX, MX_SETGDO, status, p0 {,p1, p2, ... , p9}

MX_GETGDO (MIAMEX 78) and MX_SETGDO (MIAMEX 79) provide the means to retrieve (GET) or SET the global DO parameters.


status (Signed Num)   [out]

returns 0 for success or –1 to indicate failure.

p0 through p9  (String)  [in for SET, out for GET]

values of the up-to-ten global DO file parameters.


In the SET operation, all ten DO file parameters are set at once, replacing any prior values. Even if you specify only p0, the prior values of p1 through p9 will be set to null. For more information on this topic, see Global DO File Parameters.