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Reviewed and revised April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETHASH, status

xcall MIAMEX, MX_SETHASH, status

MX_GETHASH (MIAMEX 36) returns status indicating whether you are in AMOS hash compatibility mode. In this mode, the hash algorithm (used by DIR/H) treats LF line terminators the same as CRLF pairs, so that normal text files will have the same hash code under Unix, which typically uses LF line terminators, as they do under AMOS, which typically uses CRLF terminators.

MX_SETHASH (MIAMEX 37) allows you to set or reset the AMOS hash compatibility mode.


status  (Integer) [in for SET, out for GET]

For GETHASH, returns zero if not in AMOS hash compatibility mode, else non-zero.

For SETHASH, set to zero to reset (clear) AMOS hash compatibility mode, else non-zero to set it.


Note that the SET.LIT command also allows you to query and set/reset this option.