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Reorganized April 2024

xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETSW, waitms

xcall MIAMEX, MX_SETSW, waitms

(Unix only)

MX_GETSW (MIAMEX 101) retrieves the current swap wait time in milliseconds.

MX_SETSW (MAIMEX 102) allows you to change the swap key wait time for certain terminal drivers, which is normally set by the SWAPWAIT property of miame.ini, or 1000 ms by default. Currently this only affects the Wyse50 driver, and was implemented because the standard wait is a full 1 second, which is apparently necessary on some versions of the terminal but not on terminal emulators. The main downside of the extra wait occurs within PolyShell, where it delayed the repaint of the new screen when swapping sessions. To allow this to remain as flexible as possible, the default value of zero simply causes the terminal driver to use its normal wait time (which in the case of wyse50 is 1000 milliseconds or 1 second). To minimize the wait, set it to 1.


For MX_GETSW, waitms (Num) will be returned with the current time in milliseconds, or zero to indicate that it is still set to the default or undefined for the current terminal.

For MX_SETSW, waitms should be set to the desired wait time in milliseconds, or zero to use the default.