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A-Shell Development History


UNIX command line processing bug fix: Tokens on A-Shell command lines of the form %xxx% (where xxx was any string of characters) were getting converted to upper case if XXX was not a defined environment variable. This was mainly a problem in exotic cases were you were trying to pass a case sensitive command line from A-Shell to UNIX via HOST.


XTREE bug fix: In file mode, blank lines were being ignored. This was generally only apparent when using XTREE as a kind of viewer of text files (as in XTRMSG.SBX).


CGIUTL.SBR enhancement: Previous limit of 1024 on the size of an individual line after variable expansion has been increased to 16K. This is mainly a factor when individual data fields (substitution values) are quite large, since otherwise you could avoid the limit by keeping the input template lines short.


XTREE bug fix: TotalLines=### was not preventing the initial sort from moving the totals lines.


The new XTREE column cformat code "h" indicates a column with times in it. This acts like a string column except for sorting purposes, where any time format supported by IDTIM will be recognized and sorted accordingly.


The new XTREE Advanced coldef option "SelChgExit=###" causes XTREE to exit with exitcode -### whenever the selection changes.


GUI control refinement: Previously, when a new control was created that had the same upper left corner as an existing control, the existing control was deleted and replaced by the new control. This is still true, except when both controls have alphanumeric IDs that are not the same. In such a case, the new control will be created without deleting the old. This is mainly for the benefit of complex programs such as LEO, and will probably not have any effect on existing programs (unless you were counting on the auto-delete feature and were using alphanumeric IDs). Note that the auto-delete feature is mainly used with AUTOTPRINT, where alphanumeric IDs are not used.


UNIX printing bug fix: Messages output by the system spooler routine which were supposed to be captured by the OPR:SPOOL.LOG file were instead going to the screen. (Problem introduced in 995.3)


UNIX print logging enhancement: SPOOL.LOG entries now contain the additional fields: Q=<ashell print queue> C=<copies> S=<switches>.


Bug fix: When passing parameters to functions/procedures/sbxs in programs using SCALE, the conversion between F and non-F types was resulting in the value received by the function being shifted by the scale factor. For example, when passing an F6 value to a function expecting a B4, the B4 value received was 100 times too big (assuming SCALE 2). When passing a B, I, or S parameter to a function expecting an F, the received value was 100 times too small. In the case of SBXs the problem was further compounded by the possibility that the SCALE setting with the SBX was not the same as within the calling program.


AUI_CONTROL / ATE refinement: See ATE Status Information.


ISMROK.SBR bug fix: was reporting incorrect value for allocated IDX blocks under two conditions: (a) When the IDX size was > 64K blocks, the value reported was about 10% too low; and (b) when the IDX had been auto-expanded, the value reported was often negative. This didn't affect normal ISAM operation, but may have caused applications to conclude that something was wrong with the file.


ISAM 1.0 Auto-Expand fix: The IDX auto-expand feature was not updating a field in the rock that was used by ISMROK.SBR to report the number of allocated IDX blocks. This field was not otherwise used by ISAM, but was responsible for the second problem mentioned above.


New ISAM 1.0 feature: The ISAM Auto-Expand Feature can now be turned off for individual files.


XTREE bug fix: Setting the XTF_TOTALS flag (to protect the last line from being sorted) was not always working, unless the COLDEF option TotalLines= was also specified. When TotalLines= is not specified, XTF_TOTALS now sets the default value to 1 (i.e. only the last line is considered a total).


ATE/ATS/XTEXT enhancement: XTEXT now supports a alternate method of returning updated text to the server, which does not require FTP. See Non-FTP Channel Text Return, below.


UNIX Printing Enhancement: Messages are now output to OPR:SPOOL.LOG for AUXLOC: printing. Previously only non-AUX port printing commands were logged. Since AUX printing is an increasingly prevalent way to print from UNIX, it makes sense to record them in the log file just like direct printing and ASHLPD printing.


ATE bug fixes: A curious loophole was allowing occasional garbage characters to be appear on the screen during certain ATE GUI operations. Note: this fix is actually on the server side. Also, legitimate startup error messages were sometimes garbled due to sharing of the message buffer space.


The new miami.ini switch OPTIONS=NOSPACEATTR eliminates the Automatic Space in on/off field attributes.


XTREE refinement: When an XTREE cell is clicked while the focus is on another control, XTREE now remembers both the row and the column, so that when the application re-enters XTREE, it can put the focus on the correct cell.


New Extended TAB function ATTRSUB command allows changing the underline attribute to any foreground/background color combination.


Fix a bug which was causing certain error Message boxes, particularly those used for startup error conditions, to display a corrupted message. (A common one was "TE Startup".)


Fix crash problem if TRACE=DEBUG (or -trace command line switch used) and any miame.ini lines contained %env% variables.


INMEMO bug fixes: MMO'IPG (intelligent paging) mode was not living up to its name. (Was, in fact, acting more like read-only edit mode.) Also, in field emulations, when a reverse video message was displayed on the bottom prompt, in some cases, it would turn the rest of the screen to reverse video on exit.


ISAM-A (ISAM Plus) fix: some debugging code introduced in 995.0 was causing A-Shell to crash with a Windows protection error (or UNIX segmentation fault) when accessing IsamPlus files.


XTREE bug fix: Resolve various conflicts with re-entry into editable image cells.


XTREE enhancement: Develop new scheme for managing Editable Image Cells.


GUI bug fix: eliminate another case in which a TAB(-1,0) could crash ASHW32 if the font table had been corrupted. TAB(-1,0) now explicitly resets the font table.


ATE bug fix: the LOGDIR option in the MIAME.INI wasn't being obeyed.


Minor COMPIL refinement: the compiler now responds more quickly to a Control-C abort when in the middle of outputting many errors. Previously, it was sometimes necessary to wait until several hundred error messages were reported before it would respond to the abort command. Note: this applies only to the internal compiler, not the one used by the Editor.


Windows/ATE color enhancement: Add an option to the Colors dialog box to have the reduced foreground color palette apply for reduced (i.e. dim) background text. This allows A-Shell/Windows and ATE to simulate an effect that some terminal emulators have used to associate different colors with selected non-color attributes (such as dim, reverse, etc.)


XTREE fix: when editable images cells contain text (in addition to the image filespec), in some cases part of the image filename was appearing in the cell (in addition to the image and the text).


In XTREE, two New COLDEF options control the foreground and background color used to display the selected row(s) in the specified column.


ATE fix: PC based licensing (via LICENS.LIT with MAC address) was corrupting memory.


LICENS.LIT 2.4(122) refinement: For PC-based ATE licensing, the MAC address is now automatically added to the company name if not done manually.


XTREE refinement: check that Mask= length of field if editable.


INPUT CSV refinement: fields with embedded line breaks are now supported. Note that the total extended input line length is still limited to 4K.


XTREE fix: Exiting from a (right click) context menu was not always returning the correct cell coordinates.


GUI bug fix: close a window of opportunity in which an ASHW32 crash could occur during a TAB(-1,0).


INFLD bug fix: In non-GUI horizontal scrolling fields, the right arrow was not generating exitcode 12 from the last physical position of the field, even if TYPE L specified. (It was working from every other position.) Also, the "fast mode" (TYPE F) was not working in that case.


XTREE enhancement: Images in editable image cells can now be updated via the answer array using XTROP_RESELECT. Previously, only the text associated with the image could be updated this way, unless you used XTROP_REPLACE.