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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 4.9/5.0, builds 850-998 > 995 – 23 Sep 07

Advanced coldef option "SelChgExit=###"

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The new XTREE advanced coldef option "SelChgExit=###" causes XTREE to exit with exitcode -### whenever the selection changes (i.e. by moving it with the up/down arrows or by clicking on a new row).

This feature can be handy in certain kinds of trees where you want to update some display items as soon as the user moves the selection bar, but beware of conflicts with the following modes and options:

edit mode (moving from cell to cell might trigger the "selection changed" event, interfering with the normal cell validation logic.)
XTF_FAST mode (it isn't clear which would take precedence in the case of a single click).
Context menus (if the user right clicks on a row other than the one currently selected, the change of selection event may or may not preempt the context menu.) (If it does preempt it, you might be able to re-enter immediately and continue though.)
ClickExit (again, it isn't clear which event will occur first.)