Previously, ATE would not return any status information (as a bandwidth optimization strategy) if the CSTATUS parameter was specified as a string (typically "" or NUL_CSTATUS$). This rule has been tightened to allow strings of 2 or more bytes to be treated as valid return variables. This fixes an issue with in SBXINP.SBR involving the disabling of INFLD controls, and perhaps will avoid problems in other applications that mistakenly used a mapped string return variable for the CSTATUS parameter. Note that if you are counting on the non-return optimization, make sure you use "" or NUL_CSTATUS$, or a string mapped as S,1, rather than just any old string variable.
Also note that this fix is on the server side and does not require updating ASHW32.EXE (except when using ATS in which case you need to update the ASHW32.EXE on the server side).